Devlog #11

Hello, welcome to our final Devlog for Mom's Mad, Run! It has been a terrific experience developing this game over the course of the four month time period. We've all learned a lot about collaboration and game development as a whole. Let's go over the final changes that we've implemented to finalize this game.

One of the first things we did was diversify the amount of breakable objects that could be found in a scene. We have implemented around 10 to 12 new breakable objects that can be found across all of our levels. This should give players a variety of objects to break and witness the chaotic nature of different shapes and materials being scattered around the level. We've also implemented audio when breaking objects, different materials will have different audio cues to give destroying objects a more satisfying feel. We also implemented small particle systems on some of the breakable objects to emphasize their destruction. 

After introducing the breakable round system which solved our need for introducing more breakable objects into the levels without visually cluttering the experience. We got feedback indicating that players wanted more breakable objects presented at once. So we cut down the amount of rounds from 5 to 3 which increased the amount of objects that were found in individual rounds. 

A lot of new UI was also overhauled, the main menu, options, lobby, and leaderboards were all visually enhanced to fit the overall theme of our game. We also finally got around to organizing the leaderboard from highest points to the least. 

A lot of our feedback centered around player location, as a lot of our play testers found difficulty locating who they were controlling at the beginning of the round. We made quite a lot of changes that should help lessen the confusion when it comes to locating your character. The first thing we did was color coordinate the scoreboard denoting a specific color for a specific player number, this should hopefully allow players to more easily and quickly identify their standings. We also applied the same logic to the player tags as they are also color coordinated with the same colors that can be found on the scoreboard. In addition, your player model will also reflect the color corresponding to your player tag and scoreboard color. Adding all of these signifiers should allow players to more easily locate who they are and what they're standings on the scoreboard are. 

We also made a lot of small advancements in a lot of aspects of the game whether that be cleaning up code, fixing bugs or fine-tuning mechanics. We ended up squashing a lot of bugs and making the game a lot more reliable in its round counting and scene transitioning. We also fine-tuned the sliding mechanic to allow players steering control as they slide. 

Overall our team is very proud of the game we were able to create in such a short time. There was a lot of hard work and effort put into this game and a lot of learning that happened in the process. In terms of this game's future our team has shown interest in putting more effort into cleaning up the game and bringing it to Level Up in the future. 

This wraps up the final devlog for this game and thank you for reading!


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42 days ago

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