Devlog #2

Min Jae David Park - Dev Log

This week I joined the team as a programmer. To familiarize myself with the project and understand my responsibilities, I reviewed all available resources related to the game, including the game's page, presentation slides from Milestone 1, Trello board for ongoing tasks, and the creative brief. In terms of direct contributions to the project, I implemented a sliding feature for the child character. Now, the child character can slide on the floor when the player presses the space bar, enhancing the gameplay experience. The rotation and velocity of the child character adjust naturally according to set variables such as slide speed.

Chuan Liu - Dev Log

This week I continued to work on the movement of the roles of mom and child. As the mom would throw her slippers at the child, but previously only the positional movement of the character model was implemented, resulting in the mom only throwing her slippers in one direction. So this time it was implemented that the player controlled character could rotate towards the direction they were moving, resulting in better movement dynamics and functionality.

Peifeng Zhang - Dev Log

This week, since I joined the team midway, I started with familiarizing with existing aspects of the project. After discussion, I would be working in the team mainly as a programmer while assisting with 3D modeling if needed. This week, I implemented a script for slipper prefabs that governs their collision and defines their life time. To support this, I changed the Child collision detection script so that a Child is stunned only by a slipper with enough speed. I also modified the existing script of Mom prefab to implement the attack speed (an interval between each throw) and charge attack (hold button for a while to throw with more strength) features. The collision physics needs some further discussion to determine the expected behaviour.

Madison Rention - Dev Log

During this week, I made edits to the existing placeholder level to make the environment interactable with Unity's physics engine. This included finding a functional means to have accurate hitboxes while being able to use rigidbodies. Afterwards came tampering with the numbers of the object so that the mass of their rigidbodies felt that they were somewhat accurate in weight, or at least had weight to them.

Antony Li - Dev Log

During this week I contributed to the creation of a visual score system for the child to earn and accumulate points as they hit certain objects. To do this I created a scoreManager script that displayed the score, can call the score variable and functions that can be called to add a certain number of points to the score variable.

Xiang Lin - Dev Log

This week after discussing and solidifying our core game play I populated and managed the backlog for the group Trello as well as added urgent tasks that we needed done for the Tech Demo this week. Aside from that I had a discussion with Matthew regarding concept art since there was concern with task management in this regard. We came to the conclusion of both coming up with ideas and creating lists of the concept art we want/need done currently that would also help solidify the feel of the game to justify future design decisions.

Matthew Eghdam - Dev Log

This week I collaborated with Xiang to create a streamlined task list for UI and Character art for the next sprint. And I created concept art around the mom and created a reference sheet for UI art styles

Najim Rhalmi - Dev Log

This week I worked alone on the implementation of the stun mechanic of the child when hit by the slipper. The stun mechanic was untestable on my machine as the slipper throwing was modified and not working on my local machine. In order to implement this I modified the move child for it to have a stuning feature, I also modified our game manager script in order for the slipper hit to stun instead of ending the game for the child. 

Tomas Cartwright - Dev Log 

This week I primarily handled setup for meetings, support on unity, and coordination. I helped guide meetings and coordinated with Brady on setting up version control and generally settling on overall team direction. I also drafted our version control best practices, and communicated those to the team. I offered a variety of unity and task support for our programmers as they had questions when they approached their tasks. Finally, I setup an audio asset list to operate as a living document and better enable coordination with our Audio expert Duncan.

Brady Anderson - Dev Log

For this week I created our item randomizer script so that key objects and power-ups can spawn in different places every round to help increase replayability. I also implemented a timer that ticks down and changes its size and color the closer it is to hitting zero to add some more visual flair to help players latch on to key times. I also then put together our Tech demo build compiling everyone's work and adding touch-ups where necessary to make sure it all functioned. The final thing I did is produce our Tech demo video going over all of our additions and what we could see in the future. 

Now let's talk about the next steps for our team. The next thing we want to tackle is working on implementing the hardest task to get out of the way early. This would be multiplayer, getting that local multiplayer up and running so we can begin to test with more people. Multiplayer is one of those things that will either break or make our game. As it is the core pillar that supports every other design decision. If we can get it working this early, that would be amazing as it would streamline the process moving forward. If for any reason we are unable to get multiplayer working it'll give us time to pivot to a single-player experience. We also want to begin to strengthen our design by finishing the design document and fleshing out the gameplay mechanics and also get a sense of what art direction we want to go in. This is all for this week. I'm sure I will see you again in our next devlog next week.

Files (Tech Demo) 33 MB
May 29, 2024

Get Moms Mad, Run!

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