Devlog #3

Chuan - Dev Log

This week Najim Antony and I were mostly responsible for completing multiple controllers connections to control different characters. The game supports multiple joysticks connecting to the game at the same time, and different joysticks controlling separate characters (mom and child) with different skills.

Najim's - Dev Log

This week i mainly focused on implementing the usage of controller for our game. We had different ways of implementing the movement for children and the mother, this caused an issue when i was trying to make the game run with the unity new input system and input action. I therefore tried to change the movement files in order for the children to be controlled on both controller and keyboard. The hardest part was understanding how the new input action system worked on user inputs in order to adapt it to our old way of movement. This lead to me discovering that using getkeycode and new input system caused issues. I worked on this task in collaboration with Chuan and Antony

Antony - Devlog 

This week I worked on getting the local multiplayer working by adjusting the child and mom movement to not utilize the keys on the keyboard like in our previous builds but to respond instead to the input of a controller. I worked on this task in collaboration with Chuan and Najim.

Peifeng's - Devlog 

 This week I implemented a score management system with a scoreboard scene, providing a simple interface to register players and record their scores (by calling "AddScore" function). This system fits well with the game's flexible number of players and multiple rounds.

Xiang -  DevLog

I worked on updating parts of the GDD and created come concept art regarding the menu's we plan on having in the game. These will likely have to be adjusted after reviewing feedback and fine tuning of game design.

Min Jae David Park - Devlog

Weekly Dev Log This week, I completed two features. First, I created a lobby scene for our game. Now, we have a basic lobby screen where players can choose which role to play, either one of the children or the mom. The second feature I added was support for multiple rounds. Previously, our game had only one scene. Now, it can load different scenes for multiple rounds based on the number of players. As we create more scenes, the game will be able to load a different scene for each round. Also, I helped Najim with the project and debugging.

Madison - Devlog 

I spent the week greyboxing 4 more levels from sketches. I also cleaned up the current level we've been using by finally replacing default unity objects with walls and floors. I also spent some time trying to make shaders to help the player locate themselves behind walls.

Antony Li - Devlog 

This week I worked on creating the script for a visual indicator for the mother to see where she would throw her slipper before it is thrown. I am now in the process of debugging and play-testing the feature.

Matthew - Devlog

This week I created 6 first pass models that being (bookcase, ming vase, vase, racecar bed, coffee tabel, and lamp) and populated an excel document with relevant props, items, and metrics


Moms-Mad_Run! (FirstLevel).zip 33 MB
98 days ago
Moms Mad Run!.zip (Newest Build) 34 MB
Jun 05, 2024
Mom's Mad GDD.pdf 12 MB
Jun 05, 2024

Get Moms Mad, Run!

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