
Design by Brady Anderson 

Stonefall is a platform game in which you control a golem character collecting keys and opening doors to progress throughout the different levels and avoiding dangerous hazards along the way. 


The objective of the game is to platform around each level and collect the key in which you can unlock the door at the end of the level to progress to the next level. You can use the Golems weapon in order to destroy crates that may block your path. You can crouch under narrow passageways in order to squeeze into certain areas. 


Click and hold the left Mouse button and drag around to move the golem character left or right. 

Click the right Mouse button in order for the golem to jump. 

Press C to get the golem to crouch. 

Press the spacebar to shoot the golems weapon. 

Note: That the play button doesn't seem to work when the game is in full screen mode